Archive for the ‘fall equinox’ Category

Fall Equinox Signals Change
September 10, 2007

Science Sunday
Watch Mark’s Video Report

For you summer lovers out there, the warm weather has held out for the past few weeks. But we’re nearing a big transition period when the effect of the sun will begin changing. Coming up in just 15 days from now, we enter the autumn season.

This year, the equinox falls on Sunday, Sept. 23, at 5:51 a.m. On that day, the sun is above the equator — night and day are of approximately equal length.

This is the opposite of what happens at a solstice. As we head through fall and toward winter, the northern hemisphere tilts away from the sun and we lose daylight.

The southern hemisphere gains daylight heading toward summer and this process is under way. In fact, each day, we lose two to three minutes of light as the sun rises later and sets earlier.

So, even though we’re enjoying some warmer weather as of late, it’s starting to feel like a change is under way with the transition from one season to the next.